Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tomato Plant Sale 2016!

I am pleased to announce ten tomato varieties for sale in 2016!

Each organically grown seedling will be ready around the middle of March to the first of April.  Each is an open-pollinated variety - meaning you can save seeds and they will produce the same variety when planted.  The exception is Sungold, which is a hybrid and will most likely not produce the same tomato if seeds are saved.   But they are so tasty, so who cares?

I am asking $5 per plant.  I personally think that’s a bit expensive, but it’s because the proceeds (after buying a bag of potting soil) will be donated to The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.    Just send me an email at sestark19@gmail.com, and let me know what you want.  I may also have some pepper varieties - different sizes of bell, jalapenos, banana and habanero types.  Ask if interested!

Yellow/Orange Tomatoes

Sungold - Delicious cherry tomatoes.  These are the “gold” standard - a wonderful mix of sweet and tangy.

Azoychka - I am excited to try this one.  It’s a yellow tomato with great reviews, and it matures earlier than most.

Dwarf Sweet Sue - This was my best producer last year.  The “Dwarf” refers to the plant size, which is supposed to be smaller than most.  Mine got pretty big though…..The medium/small tomatoes were deliciously sweet, with a bit of zing to them.  And they tend to be beautiful fruits without blemishes.   It produced all right in the summer and then went crazy in September and October.

Red/Pink Tomatoes

Brandywine OTV (Off The Vine)  - This red variety of Brandywine is supposed to set fruit in heat better than other strains.  And it features the amazing flavor of the most famous name in heirloom tomatoes.

Traveler 76 - The University of Arkansas bred this pink tomato in the 70’s for heat resistance.  I am looking forward to trying it!

Purple/Dark  Tomatoes

Black Cherry  - After reading the reviews of this one, I was very intrigued.  Delicious, dark cherry tomatoes.  Probably huge vines.

Black Krim - This was my all-around favorite last year.  The fruits were beautiful, and, despite my over-watering, they were delicious with a fruity/slightly salty flavor.

Cherokee Purple - This is another candidate for the most famous name in heirloom tomatoes.   I recently read a list of “must plant” tomatoes, written by users on the website tomatovile.com,  and this was by far the most referenced variety.

Multicolor Tomatoes

Tiger Tom - a smaller, striped tomato.  Zingy.  I hope it’s a bit early, being small.

Big Rainbow - A big multi-colored tomato.  It should come on pretty late in the season.  The pictures of this one are of big yellow fruits with orange and red streaks.

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