LD: Barbecue bison sandwiches and twice-baked potatoes.
ME: That sounds GOOD. (It's 7PM and I am hungry too....let's talk more about food) So what is your favorite food of all time?
LD: Well, that would probably be a tie between 20 or 30 different foods. It just depends on what I am in the mood for.
ME: Sure
LD: But one thing that I am always in the mood for is doughnuts.
ME: Yeah, doughnuts are good.
LD: And snails.
ME: (pause...analyzing for sincerity) Really?
LD: Yes, they are so good. You just have to pretend that you are not actually eating snails cooked in butter.
ME: Does your mom make snails or do you usually get them at a restaurant?
LD: If my mom could make snails, I am pretty sure that we would have them everyday.
ME: So a restaurant then?
LD: Yeah, there is this restaurant in Michigan, by my summer camp, that makes them.
ME: Nice. So they have a good French chef there?
LD: Um...no...he's not French...